Asshole Logic


I like to think I’m a fairly intelligent person. I mean not in an academic kind of way – I’ve got a handful of smarts but I was thinking more along the lines of plain old common sense logic. Give me a problem and I’ll usually figure out a way to solve it. Make it a complex problem and that really gets my grey matter working – I love a challenge. Thing is, when it comes to dieting, logic deserts me before I’ve even counted a single calorie.

I suspect it’s the asshole factor if I’m being honest. I’ve thought about this a lot and you know that way where someone from the I.T. service desk can dial into your computer and move your mouse? Well I reckon as soon as I talk myself into another diet, the asshole gets hold of my mouse and moves it around the bit of my head that controls logic.  I can provide examples.

I’ve never ever started a diet on any other day but a Monday. Why is that? Even the mandatoryJanuary diet – obviously you can’t start a diet on New Year’s day because of the hangover munchies. But unless the 2nd of January is a Monday, I can’t start it then either…it would have to be the first Monday after that.

And say for example I decide on a Thursday that I’m starting a diet on Monday, the next bit of asshole logic means that I have four days left to eat my bodyweight in all the naughty food I won’t be able to eat once I’m on the diet. That exact thing happened before I started this one – I got back from holiday on the Saturday having basically spent the previous 2 weeks eating my way through Northern Europe, in fact I don’t think my jaws stopped moving for two straight weeks. But between Saturday night and Monday morning I still managed to fit in a chinese takeaway, fish and chips and an Indian meal. Because asshole logic told me that I wouldn’t be able to eat them ever again, so it was now or never.

Of course had the asshole not been controlling my mouse, I would have realised that the more I ate pre-diet, the more I’d have to lose on the diet.  And god forbid I put a foot wrong – let’s say someone’s passing a bag of Maltesers around at work, and I take one. They’re like 8 calories each, but well that’s the day ruined isn’t it. I’ve cheated now so I may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

So as the asshole jumps up and down with glee I’ll ignore the rabbit food I brought for lunch, and have a cheese and ham toastie from the deli up the road oh and a piece of battenburg cake whilst I’m there. I’ll start again tomorrow. Except tomorrow’s not Monday. I’ll start Monday.

Real logic would tell me that’s like walking 500 steps forward, stumbling back 2 steps and feeling like I’m back to square one. Of course I’m not – I’m 498 bloody impressive steps from the starting blocks and despite the stumble I’m still facing forward. But for as long as the asshole has his hands on my mouse, I’m afraid I’m shafted.

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3 thoughts on “Asshole Logic

  1. DEAD-ON PERFECT! The Shitbird voice inside my head goes Who Do You Think You Are Anyway? & incredibly i rarely cut him off at the knees. I mean, i have always had a crappy, uppity, instant reaction to sadistic idiots. (Even if, especially if the shot was aimed at a vulnerable spot).

    But when the put-down is coming from inside my skull, pfftt! i cave. Uh, i think that is Mommy Dearest’s actual voice.

    oh. well then

  2. Once again, we’re twin sisters from different mothers! You’re not the only one who does this — what is it about Mondays that make that day THE day? It can’t be a perfectly good Tuesday or Thursday, noooo it has to be Monday. Maybe it’s the work/school factor? We think of Mondays as the start of the week, so that has to be the start of the diet?

    And I totally get the whole “eat like there’s no tomorrow” logic before beginning a diet. I did the same thing in the days before I began WW. Truth be told, I’m still doing it a little bit on the weekends — there’s that Monday factor again. It’s a vicious circle…

    1. Isn’t it funny Julie how we’re all the same…same issues, same voices, same crooked thinking. I almost had a wobble in the supermarket tonight when I paused by the cashew nuts *drools* but before the asshole could get a word in sideways I cut him off at the knees and thought no way, or I’ll have to ‘fess up to all these lovely people who are in the posse!

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