Sunday Celebrations

balloonsI know that technically, the one month anniversary of Break Out the Skinny Girl isn’t until Tuesday, but today feels more like the right day to celebrate because my blog was born four weekends ago on a rainy day just like this one. And lets be honest, who ever has a party on a Tuesday. So, today’s the day – one whole month in and already I can’t remember what it was like not to log on every day and check in with you all.  We’re still a very small posse but small is beautiful, right?  Forgive me being indelicate but that’s the reason I’m here anyway 🙂

Shall I share some interesting facts? Do feel free to snooze through this paragraph if you’re not quite as fascinated by these facts as I am, to me they are the most beautiful facts in the world but lets not forget that this is a complete labour of love for me, and I’m incredibly honoured that people who don’t know me are taking time out of their busy lives to check out my blog.

I usually write from the kitchen of my little cottage in a small town in Yorkshire, England, mostly in pyjamas with the dog at my feet. It’s an awesome feeling to know that once I launch those words into cyberspace, people are reading them from thousands of miles away…we now have a small but perfectly formed posse of regular readers across the USA as well as here in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Slovenia and Ireland. I make it sound very grand – look at me, I’ve gone global! But if you’re one of them, MWAH, please accept that big sloppy virtual kiss on the chops, and thank you, you make me smile every single day.

I’m about as far from grand as it’s possible to be (although let’s imagine that someone was stupid enough to make luminous yellow pants in XXXXL, and I was brave enough to wear them I suspect you’d be able to see my arse from the international space station – that’s pretty grand) but I don’t think I’ll ever tire of clicking on the little pins on the analytics map which tells me where my visitors live.

Don’t freak out, I mean I’m not going to turn up at your house or anything, it’s not that accurate, but I get the biggest buzz ever when I see a new location pop up, or when I watch that line on the graph of visitor numbers curling slowly upwards. In the scheme of things, and in the context of the world wide web, it’s tiny – we are still only talking about a few hundred people – but to me, it’s huge. I have a voice.

I’m finding it really hard to put into words how much oomph your feedback and words of encouragement have given me over the last month – those of you who have followed my posts from the beginning (ish) will already know that I don’t go near the scales if I can help it, but despite the best efforts of the asshole, I haven’t come anywhere near to the danger zone, so I’m on track and enjoying the journey – your company is helping me big time. 

So thank you – if you love the blog, share the hell out of it, tell your friends, and get them to tell their friends…the bigger the posse, the faster my asshole will retreat. Eww, *screws face up* I didn’t quite mean that the way it sounded. But then you knew that 🙂


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14 thoughts on “Sunday Celebrations

  1. Congrats on the one month anniversary, please keep it up as I’m really enjoying your blog as I wade through from the beginning. You are a remarkably witty writer and your intelligence shines through. Bizarrely, I saw a reader’s comment on a Daily Mail article which led me here, but can’t remember which.

    I’m reading from Wales and am currently just finishing my first week of a shake only diet to lose about 80lbs. I followed this same diet about 3 years ago and lost 80lbs but managed to regain it all.

    My scales are in the boot of my car, as like you, they are not my friend. I don’t even know what I weighed before starting the diet plan and will not be weighing myself during the next few months for this reason: if I DON’T lose the weight I was expecting to lose, I get depressed and then binge to cheer myself up, and if the scales DO show a good weight loss I then binge to congratulate myself for a difficult week of self denial ……. So, to prevent this vicious cycle, weighing myself is a definite no no. If I stick with the plan, it will work, that’s all I need to tell myself right now. And like you said in a previous post, once you lose the weight, that’s when the real work begins.

    Reading your blog is encouraging me to keep going, knowing there are others on this path sharing their thoughts and experiences, so thank you for your honesty and bravery. I’m still only up to September entries, so no idea how the past couple of months have been for you, but good luck, and keep going ?

    1. Thank you…that’s really great feedback which I really appreciate! I get a real buzz to know that our chatter is a source of both amusement and support, that’s exactly what I hoped that we might create. Well done on getting through a whole week of space dust, I once followed a similar plan for 7 months and I know how hard it is, but it’s very quick and fair play to you if you can do it again…I don’t think I could. I hope you continue to enjoy the blog 🙂

  2. Hi Dee,
    congratulations on your one month anniversary and thanks for that sloppy kiss (I think) :). It must be so exciting for you to see all your followers. I see more people are commenting too so it’s great to get some feedback. I would comment more often but don’t want to come across as a stalker 🙂 I read a couple of the blogs on Sean’s page but I don’t comment on them. I’m more of a lurker. I have tried to comment once in a while but then can’t publish because I’m not a blogger.
    Nice to get a clearer picture of who you are, I’m a “lassie from Lancashire” myself, now a Wisconsinite.
    I thank you for your blog. I got back on track last Monday so weigh day is tomorrow. I was a bit down yesterday when I went grocery shopping but I thought of you and the posse and decided to suck it up and get on with it.
    I hope all this encouragement will keep you blogging as I love to read your blog which is peppered with British humour, but more importantly it will help us all stay on track.

    1. Hiya Jo, I’m a proper giddy kipper today meeting some of our posse for the first time! And congratulations on what sounds like a very successful week for you, good luck tomorrow we’ll keep everything crossed all your hard work is reflected on weigh day! D x

  3. Hello from Chicago suburbs – I like to read the blogs Sean links to so I’m glad I found your blog! I’m starting a new plan today and hope I can share in your success soon enough. Congrats on 10 lbs down

    1. Hi Beth! Yes I read Sean’s blog every day, and the blogs he follows, it gets kind of addictive doesn’t it! I love the sense of community – there’s definitely power in numbers!! Best of luck with your plan, we’re all pulling for you 🙂

  4. Hi from New England – Massachusetts. I really like your sense of humor. I also follow a low carb diet and have lost 10 pounds since Sept 1, about 60 more to go. Found your blog via Sean’s.

    1. Hi Haale, congratulations on your 10lbs off, that’s amazing in under 3 weeks, well done you! It’s lovely to have you on board and part of the posse…I’ve often seen the visitor pin drop in Massachusetts and now I’ll be able to say a virtual hello to you in future! D x

  5. Happy one month(ish) birthday!! I found your blog via Sean’s, he’s inspiring isn’t he? I’ve been reading his blog for years. Even through his hiatus, I kept going back hoping he’d reappear, and he did! YAY!! I’ve read all your posts now, and really like your voice. I think we’re cut from the same cloth, you think so much like me. I don’t normally comment, but as it’s a special occaision I thought I’d pop my head up and say Hi from sunny Spain! You’re doing a great job, and give that asshole a slap from me. That’s it, I’m off back to lurking. 😀

    1. Morning Arismum, you’re reading from SPAIN?? Oh my days that’s snuck under the analytics radar, I didn’t even know! Thank you for coming to say hi, I appreciate your support and I’d be honoured to chin the asshole on your behalf 🙂

  6. Hello there from New York! Not the city, I live in a small rural town nearer to Lake Ontario than the Big Apple…you know, cows down the road and corn fields across the road. I am 50, a mom of lots of kids, and battling the bulge…day in, day out. I still have 50 – 70 pounds to lose…have already lost lots, gained some back, lost some more…you know the story…anyhow, welcome to blogging, and I am very pleased to meet you!


    1. Della it’s lovely to meet you too…I love love LOVE knowing about where you all are! Thanks so much for taking the time to pop up and say hello, it’s the biggest buzz ever. Well done on your loss so far, and keep going, I’m rootin for ya 🙂

  7. Well look at me to comments to a blog in one week. All to say KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I really do enjoy reading your words. 🙂

    1. Welcome back Mary Lou, that’s it now, after two posts you can definitely be regarded as a regular contributor! It’s lovely to know I have your company and I hope you keep on enjoying the blog 🙂

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