Space Invader


Now, I’m guessing it depends where you sit on the fat to skinny spectrum as to whether you’ve really given the matter of space any serious consideration. I’m talking about personal space, and how much of it we take up as we go about our business. I say this because until I joined the realms of the super-obese I don’t recall really thinking too much about how much space I was taking up in this world, but once the penny dropped with me that I might be taking up too much of it to the point where it was pissing other people off, I became super-tuned in to the vibe, and it’s become a major pre-occupation.

We’ve all seen the debate raging about whether fat people should pay extra for flight seats and to be honest, count me in – my lard, my responsibility – just don’t make a fuss and for God’s sake don’t make me sit across two seats…that would be less about equity and more about treating me like livestock. They may as well run down the aisle blowing a bugle and shouting ‘Make way for the moose!!’

When I emerge from my chrysalis as a skinny string bean I’d welcome the chance to fly for peanuts if they want to just hitch up my seat space a little so it cradles my bony ass nicely and frees up a little more room for someone with a bit more padding – everybody’s happy. I’m sure in this age of technology it could be done. And if there does happen to be any aircraft seat designers reading my blog today, can you please sort your shit out with the seat belts whilst you’re at it?

I get it, I get that life is designed for Joe average.  And if you’re a fat person who genuinely believes that fat is as beautiful as skinny, or if you’re a skinny person who’s wandered in here by mistake (you’re very welcome but stop screwing your face up like that, you’ll get wrinkles) then you probably won’t be able to relate to what I’m saying. Which is fine, because we’re all different and if you’re happy, I’m happy. And a tiny bit envious.

You don’t know how lucky you are if you don’t feel the need to tiptoe through life trying to take up as little a space as possible. You won’t feel mortified if your arse or your chunky arms encroach onto someone else’s personal space when you sit beside them and pretend not to see FFS written right across their averagely proportioned face. You won’t feel the need to hold everything tucked in as tight as possible ’till your core muscles quiver, in the hope that you can prevent your body spilling over your quota of space and invading someone else’s. It’s not possible to pick up your body baggage and place it on the tray table in front of you to make room for someone to sit down like you can with your carry-on and I hate how apologetic that makes me feel, as though I’m being deliberately rude just for…being.

Writing it down really helps to focus the mind…you have no idea how much I can’t wait not to feel like that any more.

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6 thoughts on “Space Invader

  1. I know all about flying. So miserable. I always want a window seat so you can lean/push yourself over an extra 2 inches…Sit on the aisle and you get rammed with the beverage cart. Sigh, and lets not EVEN start on the agony of the middle seat.

    1. Yes the middle seat is definitely the worst isn’t it – two people to piss off instead of one. Still, I’m looking forward to the day I can have spare tag and maybe even spread out sit cross-legged, can you even imagine that! D x

  2. This is a big reason why I rarely fly anywhere these days. Life in this body is difficult enough without inviting others to point out the obvious by making me by a second ticket (I would be horrified and humiliated) or having to ask for a seat belt extension (Look at me, I’m fat!)

    For one, brief, shining moment I flew as a somewhat skinny person — no extension necessary! And there was extra room in the seat! It was glorious and I want to go back there oh so badly.

    1. I can’t wait to have leftover tag on the seatbelt! I have my own extension too, it’s amazing what you find on ebay…saves the humiliation of asking but not having to use it will be one of my milestone moments. I have to fly for work sometimes and I love holidays so I can’t avoid air travel but it’s certainly not cut out for people shaped like us.
      I loved your latest blog post Julie, very thought provoking – for some reason it won’t let me leave a comment, I’ve tried signing in like 3 different ways. But yes. F.O.R.G.I.V.E. Any which way up, you deserve it x

      1. You got the right girl, so no apologies necessary! 🙂

        Thank you for the kind words about my post the other day. It’s an everyday struggle for me — I guess you could say that one of my “hobbies” is beating myself up. I need to learn to quit!

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