Dear Santa


Having given it a lot of thought, I believe I am a reformed character, so this year I think I can send you a Christmas wish list without fear that you’re going to die laughing when I try and tell you what a good girl I’ve been. I mean, I know strictly speaking I haven’t been good for a whole year, but since the 17th of August I’ve made up for it, and compared to any year in recent history my behaviour has been nothing short of a miracle.

I know, I know, we have history. I genuinely hang my head in shame when I think about all the occasions where my boy left a lovely selection of chocolate and mince pies out on Christmas eve to welcome you and say thanks for coming, and I selfishly scoffed the lot before I went to bed. Yes ok, and the sherry. I even ate Rudolph’s carrot one year, but after the sherry and half a bottle of baileys, I’d lost my sense of perspective and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I’d also like to apologise for the occasions when I’ve ventured out in fancy dress and posed as your good self. My friends were all rocking the sexy santa look, but me…well I looked more like you than you do. I’ve got the girth and to be fair, now I’m over fifty I’ve even got the beard. But I’m hoping we can put my past indiscretions behind us and move on. Life’s too short to bear grudges, right?

So anyway, in my Christmas stocking I’d love to find some patience. I’m hoping you have some in stock, because it’s a long way to Skinny Town and if I run out on the way I’ll be in trouble. No, I mean I’ll really be in trouble, you know like last time and the time before that..? When I didn’t get there quickly enough I just gave up and returned to Mooseville with my tail between my legs. I know I’ve got the posse at my back this time and I reckon they’d have my guts for garters if I even thought about quitting, but you know it doesn’t hurt to take a belt and braces approach. I’m just making sure.

I’d also love it if you could arrange for me to have some top-up vouchers for my willpower. I mean I’m doing ok at the moment, and there’s plenty left in the old tank but you never know when you’re going to get caught a bit short. I might not need them, I’m feeling a bit cocky these days and I’ve resisted the emergency hob-nob for the last four months, which is pretty impressive. Well, when I say resisted, I did lick the chocolate off one corner of it when I was having a bad day but I won the fight with the asshole in my mind before any actual biting happened. It was a close call mind you.

At the risk of sounding greedy, might I trouble you finally for a small box of determination? I’ve promised to choose a big event to train for in the New Year, and although I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do I need to go from zero to hero far more quickly than my old fat body is expecting. I’m going to have to throw everything I’ve got at it, including all the determination I can get my hands on.

Let’s call this the 2016 Skinny Town Travel Kit. It would be awesome if you could drop an identical one into the stockings of everyone in the posse too…a little thank you from me since this journey probably wouldn’t be happening without them. Oh, and just take it easy with the candy sticks, if you don’t mind. We do veggie sticks in this posse.

Lots of love and a kiss for Rudolph…pass on my apologies for the carrot 🙂

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16 thoughts on “Dear Santa

  1. Just emerging from week from hell. Scale didn’t budge but no stress induced binging either so I am going to call it a win. Wishing you a lovely trip to Dublin. I lived there back when earth’s crust was cooling and love. Have a Baileys at The Bailey (or actually have fizz. less calories!)

    1. Hey…for some reason my reply ‘on the move’ didn’t post…ship’s wi-fi was a bit unreliable! Well done on holding the line in the face of scale rebellion, definitely a win! D x

  2. Happy Holidays Dee! I hope you get everything on your wish list. I just got back from my WW weigh in. It’s 1:00 pm here in the states. I was up 8 lbs from my last weight in Feb 2014. I first joined WW in 2012 and quit in Feb 2014. But, you have inspired me to get back to a structured program; that’s where the results are. So, I’m learning smart points with you and I know what you mean about the long haul. We can do this one day at a time; one week at a time. I think you should train for a 10K in Richmond, Virginia and I would be there to take you out for a 3 Smart Points light beer after you crossed the finish line. Or, if you’re tee-totaling, a 4 Smart Points 2% latte. 🙂

    1. I’m super-excited to hear that you’re drawing inspiration from all of us, that’s awesome and well done for getting back in the game 🙂 The 10k in Richmond Virginia would be amazing and I’d definitely enjoy the beer…maybe that’s what I should do, travel around hooking up with the posse for assorted endurance challenges! D x

  3. Yes, please!!

    & Merry Christmas to all you folks! Just to know all the posse is riding along & laughing & tearing up while reading your wonderful valentines-?… oh, you know what i mean. Much aloha, Fleury

  4. Oh, Dee, I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your posts! I’ve fallen a bit by the wayside lately (a bit on the diet, a LOT on the blogging), but I always carve out a few minutes each day to read your humorous and insightful musings. It’s like you can see into my head and see how I’m feeling and thinking — that’s how spot-on your posts are! You and the posse help me more than I can say and, even if I’m quiet for awhile, I’m still riding along with all of you!

    In case I don’t get the chance before the year ends, I wish you and the posse a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year! Here’s to more successes in 2016!!! 🙂

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