Digging In


Today has been a better day – yesterday was impossible. I was in such a contrary mood, I even annoyed myself. I did get dressed and go out and walk in the end, in fact I walked even further than the previous two days just to prove a point. To myself. I’d spent at least a couple of hours beforehand arguing with the asshole back and forth before I shook him off, it was pathetic. And who even knew that so many excuses existed for not getting dressed and going out for a walk…he tried them all. And I ignored them all…I felt euphoric, if a little footsore when I got home. Me: 1- Asshole: 0.

Totting my three expeditions up, I’ve walked just over nine miles in the last three days, and I’m quietly impressed at how this fat old body is responding. I mean I’m not dead for a start…who knew that would happen! I’m still dragging 282lbs of lard around with me so I’m not sashaying up hills with any particular style or grace, but I’m doing it.

What I find rather astonishing is that on the first walk I did, on Boxing Day, I had to stop three times at various points on the hill to catch my breath and rest my legs for a minute. Sunday I did the same walk, but despite setting off with legs and feet which were already a bit sore from the day before, I only had to stop twice, and I did the walk ten minutes faster than the day before. Before you nod off, I swear I’m not about to start listing how far and how fast on a daily basis, but it surprised me. I didn’t expect it to get easier without a fight you know?

This is a first for me, I mean real unchartered territory. I’ve never pushed myself out of my comfort zone before where exercise is concerned. Dieting, yes. I’ve been a dieting Ninja on and off over the years, but exercise, not so much so. I did spend a year or so going to the gym when I was dating Mr Muscle and I did become very fit but I was a skinny string bean back then, and eight years younger to boot so it’s a different ball game. It feels like a lifetime ago, and I don’t remember having to really dig in.

It’s a bit scary to think that the trek I’ve signed up for will involve walking about twelve miles a day over pretty tough terrain, for five days on the bounce. I could honestly shit a brick whenever I think about that, but I tell you what, I am determined not to be the old fat one at the back of the pack. I want to stride off that bloody mountain first like a proper game old bird. That’s what’s driving me…I suspected that having a longer term fitness goal might help me on this journey but I didn’t quite anticipate how much of a fire it was going to light underneath these feet.

Mind you, if you’d seen me climbing the stairs to bed last night after three big walks in as many days you’d have fallen over laughing. Lets just say I’d have made it to the top far more quickly if I’d had a Stannah Stairlift…these old bones in this fat body were creaking with every step.

But it can only get better, right?

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12 thoughts on “Digging In

  1. Bravo Dee! One foot in front of other! When I need extra motivation I go walking in the mall so I can window shop and get my exercise in. It’s a lovely thought that shopping can count as cardio!! Have a lovely new year

    1. Thank you! I am certainly not safe to be let out where shopping is concerned…it always starts as window shopping and ends up with me getting carried away!

  2. Excellently done! Every victory makes the next one easier.

    You’ve reminded me, and i’m not sure why, of the children’s book Professor Diggins’ Dragons. As the good Professor said, fighting the small dragons as you come to them keeps you in shape, you don’t find your armor is rusty when you need it. You also don’t find so many large dragons in your life.

    Beating out the voice in your head, which he would call one of your dragons, on the small battles will keep you in shape to defeat him on a big issue, should you need to.

  3. Dee, NICE!!! That’s awesome!!! Way to go you!!! Especially for beating the asshole!

    I was so trying to walk 3 miles per day. Yesterday I thought I’d be able to get in a late walk. My BFF came over for dinner and a movie. The movie was over at 9:45 p.m. I told her it was time to go, I turn into a pumpkin after 9:30. At 10:30 she was still there and I’m thinking, “Go home so I can go for a walk.” At 11:30 when she finally left, I was so mad…not that she stayed so long, although that did piss me off, especially when I told her to go home at 9:45, but mostly because I couldn’t even get in a 1 mile walk. Who walks at midnight? Today it is freezing rain, the roads are a mess. The only walk I’ll get in is at the gym on a treadmill, which I hate. I’m disappointed in my streak.

    If it stops raining, I’ll at least put some boots on, bundle up and walk a mile.

    1. Bless you, maybe next time you can pull on your walking shoes whilst your friend is there and say if she wants your company she’s welcome to walk with you 🙂

  4. Hi, Dee. I love reading this post. Wow, facing the odd day of struggling with inertia aka the Shitbird in my brain, isn’t it illogical that they come in between the Moments of spring-steel resolve and pride & hope…? As Mimi said, it’s not necessary to unknot the reasons WHY, just keep hammering at the HOW.

    Now, all i can say is this train car is hung about with entrenching tools. Youse guys. Xmas season was probably less about will-I power than planning. Amazing, that has never been tried in any previous year.

    Now, would you take a demure curtsey for nudging that scale down deep in the 200’s!! Fleury

    1. I would Fleury. I curtseyed like a prima ballerina (although I did grunt as I stood up again…tender buns y’know) 🙂 You aiming for the hallowed position of Skinny Town planner..? It’s in the bag if you ask me! x

      1. Shucks, no: i followed your lead with the turbo-charge leading up to the less avoidable eating occasions.

        Hey, I missed an &mpersand! didn’t mean to call cherished posse GARDEN TOOLS!

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