2016 Now Open For Business

newHands up, who loves getting new stuff? I do, and it doesn’t even matter what it is, there’s something about a new thing that makes me want to look after it. Remember at school when you got to the end of your dog-eared tatty exercise book, full of wonky handwriting that you only half concentrated on because you were usually multi-tasking and watching the drama unfold in your favourite soap whilst you were doing your homework?

Whenever my book ran out and the teacher gave me a chitty for a new one I used to get so excited. Page after page of smooth white paper with no tatty corners or red pen circling spelling bloopers. And no doodling! Most of my school books ended up with a car crash on the front cover, you know the kind of thing…a succession of boys’ names in crossed-out love hearts complete with arrows and my attempt at cherubs.

To be honest my cherubs usually looked more like gargoyles, but when I look back at my chequered love life, even in my teenage years it had disaster written all over it so you know what, maybe when the plan for my life was written in the stars they were fresh out of cherubs? Just sayin’.

Anyway, I used to start out in my new book with my very best handwriting. I drew my margins using a ruler instead of the usual straight-as-a-dog’s-hind-leg slash with a pencil, and I’d try really hard to keep it pristine. Right up to the point that something spoiled it…all it took was an ink blot, or a bent corner that I’d squashed as I rooted around in the bottom of my school bag in the hope of finding a loose hob-nob. And once it was spoiled, I stopped caring. I mean it didn’t matter any more, because it was already spoiled, right?

I’m having a bit of a light bulb moment as I write this, because if I apply the same principle to the way I’ve thought about dieting over the years, it’s exactly the same. And I’d put bets on the fact that some of you are nodding along. It’s been a consistent trigger for me, probably the biggest one I’ve got. I’ve had a cheat? Ah, well that’s the diet down the drain then, no point carrying on with it today, I’ve blown it. I’ll start again on Monday.

I need to process that revelation, and wrap my head around how to boot the asshole out of my thought process…re-engineer my thinking, you know in favour of something less destructive. I could agree a new set of ground rules with myself, like if I get right back in the saddle and follow up my moment of weakness with three clean days, those three days will act as an eraser to rub out my mistake and then some, like it never happened? Because the reality is, it probably would,and nothing needs to be spoiled…that’s just the asshole voice, doing what he does best and distorting my perspective.

I’m so optimistic about this year. Right now, 2016 is stretching way ahead in front of us, like a brand spanking shiny new slate to write on. There’s no stains on it, no crossings out and no dog-ears in sight. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to look after mine, make sure that it stays shiny and unspoiled.

And if it doesn’t? Well, I’ve signed up to the new rules. So no need to panic, we’ve got it covered 🙂

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10 thoughts on “2016 Now Open For Business

  1. Ah, the dreaded “all or nothing” thinking! It trips me up, too. That’s where i try to remind myself that, okay, i messed up this way, but it could have been worse, or i could have messed up that even worse way, so at least i caught it before it got totally out of hand.

    Your new rules sound like they will work a lot better than the old!

  2. Dee, wouldn’t it be great if we could look at each day as a blank page? So, if we mess up one day, we still can redeem ourselves the next day? I think we are worth it. You have DEFINITELY got this, though. 2016 is YOUR year. How has the walking been going? I got in close to 4 miles today.

    1. Yes it’s going well…it’s hard on the days that I work to fit it all in but I’m doing good. I walked 3.5 miles today and I’ve definitely got wobbly legs tonight but hey, no pain no gain right?! My cross-trainer gets delivered tomorrow, eek 🙂

  3. Gooood Morning, Skinny Express! Cool, don’t these posts pep up the sluggish little grey cells? Esp. w/the flashbulbs going off.

    Feels great to have 1) the clean, fresh composition tablet PLUS, 2) some homework, essays, math problems attempted. 2016 has that new book smell, it’s intoxicating. The scribbly one that got filled up with the process of learning – price above rubies.

    Dee & Posse, sheepish grin – I always heard teachers say, Okk-KAY, let’s hear from someone new. Anybody [other than this one in the front row with her hand flailing in the air]…?

    1. Funny you should say that Fleury, we’ve had a few new folk join the posse today…I know a lot of our peeps like to read and lurk quietly in the background though 🙂

      1. Dee, it looks like you add a hundred not “lurkers,” maybe “LIKERS,” a day – according to top of facebook pg. Yeah, glad your BFF’s are secure generous true friends, to share you with all us guys.

  4. I’m right there with you. I’ve totally blown off the last week – but I’m trying hard to accept that it was just our vacation and my head was out of the game.

    But I’m back 🙂 Game on.

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