When The B*TCH Won’t Budge


I won’t even begin to tally up just how many points’ worth of exercise I’ve accrued this morning as I’ve stomped around the kitchen being mad. I’m now sitting in the kitchen with a bottom lip sticking so far out there’s a very real possibility that I might actually trip over it. And it’s all over a stand-off with the bitch in the bathroom.

Those of you who’ve read the blog for a while will know this is an encounter that always carries the potential to go badly wrong. I mean everybody knows that the bathroom scale is predisposed to tell lies, and add numbers just to piss you off for no apparent reason. But I was so sure this morning as I stepped on feeling skinny that this week there’d be good news and maybe even an accompanying fanfare you know..? I’ve been awesome.

Lets look at the evidence. I woke up feeling skinny. In the context of the peaks and valleys of a very fat body, my belly was at lower altitude than my boobs, which is kind of my home-made measure. Closer to the mattress you know? I’ve eaten within points all week. In total I’ve completed about two hours on the hurt machine and I’ve walked just over seventeen miles with the furry one. So a very solid week, and yet the needle hasn’t budged. How DARE she pull a stunt like this on me today?

I did try to make it say something else…I mentally mapped out a grid system in my bathroom and tried the scale on every square to make sure it wasn’t the floor tiles underneath that were making it give a false reading. I mean that’s just a precaution, right? And you know, I might have taken the battery out and blown it before putting it back in and trying again.

Nothing. Not even a quarter of a poxy pound. All that effort, I could weep. The Asshole voice is having a party in my head and has already started to write the reactionary shopping list, which I can guarantee includes cheese balls and Haagen Dazs. Topics in his repertoire this morning include what’s the point, you gave it your best shot but why not have just a day off and start again tomorrow, you deserve better and this diet ain’t treating you right so maybe it’s time to give up, it’s not worth the heartache babe…you get the gist.

I know it happens. I understand all about plateaux you know, and why sometimes your body just needs to adjust a little before it continues the downward march. I’ve had a steady loss for the last five weeks, and on an intellectual level I get it. But on an emotional level, I’m not fucking interested, I’m just mad that I worked my socks off to stand still. I pushed through actual pain this week to do the hard yards with one objective in mind and I have nothing to show for it.

So, following most crappy encounters with the bitch in the bathroom, the only thing guaranteed to make me feel better is an act of defiance. And I’ve got to be honest and tell you that in the past it’s pretty much always involved chewing. And I’ve just eaten a big fat bacon sandwich.

The only difference this time is I’d always planned to have that big fat bacon sandwich this morning, it was pre-pointed and I’ve got to say absolutely delish. My act of defiance today will be to pull on my walking boots and set off with my furry friend, who is so far not impressed with the day either since he didn’t get bacon. I’m hoping the walk will make both of us feel better.

To the asshole, the diet and the bitch in the bathroom I’ve got to say…pathetic effort guys, it’ll take more than that to knock this fat girl out of the sweet spot 🙂

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22 thoughts on “When The B*TCH Won’t Budge

  1. make the scale stay in the corner until it behaves! If it cannot be pleasant and complimentary, no need for it to be allowed to see the light of day!

      1. I named mine The Bastard in the Bathroom….. I forgot to remind you to measure! I have gone times without weight loss but had loss in measurements. So something is indeed happening.

        1. You know that’s something I wish I’d done when I started…I never did, but I shall start now. Better late than never, right?

          1. Hi Dee. DEFINITELY measure. (I would add an inch to each and assume you have peeled off that much at least already . Just to get a starting point.) I would measure my neck, upper arms wrist, waist , bust, ribs, hips, thighs, (upper and lower) calves and ankles. I keep a chart and have tracked it monthly. I know it sounds like a lot, but sometimes it comes off of different places. You don’t lose evenly. WHO KNEW? I was also dumbfounded to lose a shoe size. I now wear the same size shoes I wore in High School. SO proud 🙂

  2. So, it happens to all of us. I gained 6 lbs. between Thanksgiving and Christmas and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to take it off. It’s driving me crazy. I’m soooooo good and then my weight goes up 2 lbs from one week to the next, only to go down 2 lbs. the next day because I insist it CAN’T go up when I’ve been SOOOOO good and I’ve worked SOOOOO hard (so I have to weigh in the next day to be sure). If you feel skinny, then go with that. Let the big picture be more important than the weekly weigh in. You might see a big drop next week. Be encourged, Dee. You are awesome!! You’re doing awesome!!!

  3. Dee, my blogging friend… “I’ve been awesome.” <<<That. What you wrote…that's all. For whatever reason that silly bitch wasn't reflective of the important thing– "I've been awesome." It was preoccupied with who knows what… LOVE this post. I love your humor–and I love your reaction.
    You're keeping it in perspective and you're doing amazing things.
    You've been awesome. Have a confident patience, Dee. Confidence in your plan–confidence in your choices and the plan's integrity— and that confidence will breed patience…and that patience will carry you through to places of lower numbers and fanfare galore! 🙂

    1. Lovely to see you Sean, welcome to skinny towers! And thanks for the encouragement…when the scale popped my balloon this morning one of the things that stopped me launching it out of the window was the thought of your post a while ago about how unreliable the numbers are 🙂 I need to try a confident patience on for size, and see if it fits!

  4. Don’t forget muscle weighs more than fat so maybe you just built more ‘tone’ this week?! It’s happened to me many a time in my constant quest to stay the same weight….agghhrrr x

  5. I’m with you on TBITB – mine’s in the playroom – but yesssssss

    That said you’ve done amazing things and I guarantee there’s been pounds of fat turned to muscle this week – screw her

    And great job staying in the zone – hooray!

    1. Thanks lovely…a few mini Crunchies were harmed in the force-field of my sulk, but they were all pointed so I live to tell the tale…grrr!

  6. Dee, I feel your pain! We are constantly being told that the scales don’t always tell the true story but to most of us trying to lose weight it is disheartening when the number hasn’t gone down. We just have to carry on and believe in what we are doing – it’s bloody tough sometimes x

    1. It is…to be fair I really only get on maybe once every couple of weeks, and I only did today because I felt skinny. What a bummer!

  7. Hawhawhaw – whahh, sniffle. I so get this.

    You have so got this. & be alert for the fabled Whoosh Effect.

    Mindful eating with consistent exercise DOES NOT leave all the fat where it resides on my body. Something’s gonna budge. Love, Fleury

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