Out With The Old


This morning I woke up in one of those moods, where my ‘to do’ list was dancing in front of my eyes before I’d even opened them – normally I’d groan and disappear under the duvet with more than a few choice words muttered under my breath at the thought of my Sunday being hijacked by chores. But today I’m cool because for some reason I’m full of energy. I feel great.

It’s ten thirty in the morning as I’m writing this, and you know that wardrobe clear out I’ve been meaning to get around to for the last few weeks..? I’ve done it 🙂 Oh My GOD you wouldn’t believe how many things I’ve tried on…I’ve got a pile for the charity shop, and a huge pile to go on eBay, lots of the stuff with labels still attached.

It’s a mixture of stuff which is now just too big, and stuff that I’ve bought in a size or two smaller ‘because I’m on a diet and it’ll fit me soon’. Sometimes holding something up in front of you shows you whether the colour works for your hair, or whether it draws out the colour of your eyes…what it doesn’t do is clarify whether or not you’re going to look like a lumpy sack of spanners when you put it on.

More than a few of those things looked hideous, so they have to go. I’ve even discovered a few old friends which used to fit me and now fit me again. They survived the cycle! I haven’t been the size I am now for at least four years.

I remember when I bought a couple of the things I’ve unearthed from the bowels of my wardrobe, I was devastated that I’d gone up from a size 20 to a 22, and swore that was it, I was going to get skinny again. To be fair, I wasn’t wrong exactly, I just had the timing a little off. I didn’t realise that I was going to go up to a 28 before I wrestled my head into the right place and got cracking. But I’m here now, and that’s all that matters.

In terms of progress, I’m four pounds lighter than I was the last time I updated you two weeks ago, and if I’m measuring in stones, I’ve sashayed across the line to where my weight now starts with an 18…I realise most skinny string beans would choke on their morning coffee and have to go have a lie down at the unthinkable horror of that, but for me it’s a milestone moment and I’m proud of it.

My goal weight is 147lbs, and I have 118lbs to go. I’m more than 50lbs down already, so after almost six months I’m somewhere around a third of the way there. God knows it’s taken a lot of determination to get this far, but it’s totally worth it now I’m starting to feel like Kate Moss 🙂

I know that one or two of you are struggling at the moment, and I wish I could help. I’ve been in that exact same spot you’re in a hundred times or more, so I get it. I know that this blog has evolved to become more about all of our journeys, but I can only really write about mine…I’m sorry if you want to kick my head in for banging on about how well it’s all going. If it’s any consolation, I probably would too.

Writing down my thoughts as I go through this journey has been a turning point for me. I’ve been thinking for a while that it might be nice to have a ‘guest spot’, and I’ve created a brand shiny new page for that very purpose. What do you think..?

If you’re on this journey with the rest of the posse, or you’ve already crossed the county line and earned your string bean stripes. you’re more than welcome to share what’s on your mind and add to the chatter, or simply tell your story. I’d love that! It’s the biggest buzz in the world to know that people read and respond to your words.

I won’t publish anyone who’s trying to sell either products or a food plan, but if you’re on the journey to Skinny Town with the rest of us, you’re more than welcome to send in your thoughts via the ‘contact me’ page. You might all hate the idea and the page might stay all shiny and new. But the stage is yours if you want it, and if it helps you to unpick the chatter in your head, I can personally vouch for the fact that it makes a difference 🙂

Like it..? Tell your friends!

18 thoughts on “Out With The Old

  1. I have got this skirt. It’s a girl’s 16 and I bought it when I was 13 for $5 from Kmart. I have lugged it around for 26 years and it finally fits. But now, it is really not in fashion! Do you think I can get rid of it? Nope! Because IT FITS!!!!!

  2. Dee, that’s so awesome!!! I remember when I did that last year, I went through clothes in the basement that I hadn’t worn in over 10 years. Most of them were TOO big for me even though they were in the basement because they were too small. And the sad thing is that they were so out of style that even if they did fit, I wouldn’t wear them now. I gave them all to charity. Sob. If I can figure out how to contact you, I’ll take you up on the guest post. I don’t sell anything on my blog, just talk from the heart like you.

    1. Excellent, yes I got your email Tracey, thanks and I look forward to it 🙂 Trying on my really skinny clothes is going to be interesting as and when I get there, some of those will definitely have gone out of style!

        1. Ha it’s funny when you look back isn’t it! I usually say to my mum how could you let me leave the house looking like that when she digs out old photos!

  3. Banging on about it?!? I’ve been AVID to hear some news, well, if it was happy – you know? Not going to nag you “NU, LIEBCHEN, SO HOW’S THE DIET??” Since you brought it up, [wild cheering].

    I’m with I love the old friends coming out of the dark recesses of the closet, love even the clothes that were on hold while you went ahead & got too small for them!! Love the ones that fit, but don’t make the grade – Hohoho, look like a sack of spanners! – When we think of the things we brought home because they fit. Ugh.

    Have a hug! So happy & proud! Fleury

  4. Isn’t it great to have your own fashion show. When I was losing weight I would try on clothes that had been retired to a closet in the guest room. It was so much fun to have them fit me again. I would dance around with joy!

    It is time for me to get serious again because I have gained quite a few pounds back. So today I am clearing up whatever junk is in the house (okay it wasn’t actually in the house I had to go and buy some chocolate and I had fries after Church and an ice cream). I am going to start fresh tomorrow (it must be Monday right?). Just to hold myself accountable do you mind if I post my loss/gain/maintain here on Mondays?

    Also, I wonder is you would share a typical day’s menu of what you eat. I don’t mean all the points or calories etc… just how many meals and snacks you allow yourself in a typical day. I won’t be offended if you choose not to, I’m just curious.

    Hope you enjoy wearing all your “new” clothes this week. It won’t be long before everything will fit. I have every confidence in your success. Now if only I can find my sweet spot A.S.A.P!!!

    1. Oh my days, we’d be honoured to host your weekly update Jo…I’m excited at your new start. Plus, I howled with laughing at the thought of you running out for chocolate because it’s Monday tomorrow and you’re starting a new diet, right? Can’t ever have chocolate again!!As for what I eat…usually an apple chopped in two and liberally spread with peanut butter at breakfast (6 smart points for 30g of PB) and then usually either chicken or tuna salad or a soup at lunchtime, usually around 10 points ish. Dinner is usually a ton of veggies rolled in philadelphia lightest soft cheese and dusted with aromat, plus salmon or chicken. I usually have a treat of some kind like a mini bag of maltesers or something, and I have usually half a honeydew melon every day…I must admit to being a bit in a rut with my food but I guess when you find what works for you it’s easy to stick to the tried and tested! I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow as you get back on the path…I’m sure you’ll knock it out the park 🙂

      1. Thanks Dee. I’m actually looking forward to clean eating. I will post on Mondays whatever the scale says – good or bad.
        Thanks also for sharing your daily food. I tend to eat the same things whether dieting or not.

  5. How amazing listening to your journey has been! What a terrific accomplishment you’ve made already – and putting on those old friends must be sweet, sweet music!

    I’ll consider sharing in more detail when I settle [leaving town in four days – nothing’s ready – you know the drill] because maybe it WILL help – it’s still emotional eating that’s sabotaging me – though I’m proud that I’m still pointing along – I will not give up no matter what’s happening on the scale – it will be my lifeline.

    But I’m delighted to hear about more progress – you absolutely rock 🙂

    1. Oh my Cherie, there’s nothing more stressful than leaving town! I hope it all goes well. And yes, keep pointing, and keep plugging away my lovely, you’ll get there in the end 🙂

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