Everything I’m Not


I woke up with a familiar sickly feeling this morning, and I have to say it served as a sharp reminder about both how far I’ve come, and how far I still have to travel on this journey to Skinny Town. It’s my own fault for handing over the control of all food-related decisions to the Asshole voice after I got in from work yesterday…he was on form, as always and I can’t even pretend that I put up a fight.

I’d been very organized before I left in the morning, throwing liver and onions in the crock-pot to slow cook all day, so by the time I got home there was a divine smell. My boy, who would rather stick pins in his eyes than go anywhere near liver and onions threw a dirty look at the crock pot and fixed himself a pizza. Obviously I wasn’t going to fall out with that…more for me, right?

So I’d worked out the Smart Points value in the morning and there was only ten in the whole thing. Which to be fair would have comfortably fed three people…three normal people. People who didn’t eat as though their food supply was about to be turned off for a month. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when I lifted the lid.

The Asshole voice was all over it. There’s only ten points in the whole thing so you’ve got more than enough to cover it. And it’s liver…you can’t re-heat liver and it’s too awesome to go to waste. Yes, I know the dog’s almost having a heart attack trying to let you know he’d be happy to share but it’ll give him gas and then we’ll ALL suffer. You can manage that, come on you’re hardcore! It’s only ten points!!

I’ve got to admit, it was a challenge fitting it all on the plate, along with the mountain of vegetables, but purleease…as a fat girl who’s built many a salad bowl in a dish the size of a thimble at pizza hut over the years, I know how to build a plate so nothing escapes. And I ate it…all of it. It was only ten points at the end of the day.

I was fit to pop, so stopping there might have been a smart move, right? Ahhh…isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing. I just fancied something to finish with, and there he was again. Yes I know it’s true that you’re practically about to burst, but chocolate cherries hardly take up any space at all, and you’ve got eight points left! You can’t keep them in the bank, use them or lose them, you know the rules…

So I ate eight points’ worth of chocolate covered cherries.

Then, having got the taste for them I finished the bag using exercise points accrued and some of my additional weekly points for good measure. The last three that I put in my mouth took some effort…I was starting to feel a bit sick to be honest. And yet. I had points to cover them, and I was on one.

This morning when I woke up, I knew I’d over-stepped the boundary. I just felt bilious and that familiar prickle of guilt was there, even though technically I was within points, if you don’t mind a bit of creative accounting. But I wasn’t within normal. Normal folk wouldn’t have done that.

For some reason, I was thought about my Grandma. I have no idea why, but something she used to say started rattling around in my head. Don’t apologise for the things that you’re not…instead, shout about the things that you are. Okay then.


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10 thoughts on “Everything I’m Not

  1. 10 points of liver is not something that I would bust out a move on! But maybe I just don’t know how to cook it – after reading Julie/Julia, I have a new appreciation for all things that used to live (before I inhaled them!)

  2. If only we could feel that sickly feeling before eating it all, just at the sight of it. Live and learn, though, and build up the habit of refusing to live that way.

  3. I woke up 3am with a tummy ache after eating quite a lot of junk food Saturday night. But the thing is, that amount of bad food would never have given me a stomach ache before. I’ve decided to call it a win, that my body is adapting my heathier diet and knows the difference!

  4. We have all been there Dee. I don’t do Weight Watchers but there have been many times
    in my “diet” life and even in maintence when I kept on eating when I know I should have stopped. I just try to learn from my mistakes and MOVE ON and not beat myself up over it easier said than done I know. Hopefully today was better food wise.

  5. Hello, Doll. I wish the Asshole Voice a chronic laryngitis. Although, when i stagger it can be eerily quiet. No persuading even required. Just of course the further suggestions.

    I see in my mind’s eye, all this Busby Berkley Skinnitude sashaying along en masse, serene, determined, level-gazed – but there are frequent reminders that I am a recovering Fat Girl. Ain’t fair that some of my most ruinous trigger foods are savory, nourishing home-cooked comfort in a big old pot. They can just steam-roller my New Normal. Temporarily.

    Good morning, Remorse! So, we exert all the damage contol techniques tips & tricks, & keep on sashaying.

    Hugs, Dollink. Fleury

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