All Toes Present And Correct


So, as we head north on the train home, I’m feeling a tiny bit flat that all the excitement is over you know? I’d only been blogging for about four months when entries were invited for these awards, so for roughly half my blogging life this has been running in the background.

I’m sorry I didn’t bring it home for you guys…I would have loved to of course, but the winners were so talented and they deserve every bit of the recognition they got last night. My friend asked me earlier if I was disappointed, and you know what, I found it really hard to answer. I am, but at the same time I’m really not.

Judging by some of the outraged emails I’ve had from you lot, I think you’re definitely more fed up than I am, in fact if the judges have any sense they’ll find a safe house and stay there for a bit!

Awards are lovely, and being a part of all this has been awesome but I’ve never lost sight of the fact that I started this for me. I started writing as a way to keep my hands busy and wrestle my head into the sweet spot so I could unzip this fat suit once and for all, and no matter how much I joke about stuff, I make sure that every post helps me to move my head on to a better place. Your lovely company, and your feedback and your chatter has become a priceless part of my journey. And it’s workingso please don’t be too down that I don’t have a trophy to polish…I have everything I need right here ?

It was a great evening, and in spite of my strappy not-built-for-fat-feet shoes I’m happy to report that all my toes are present and correct, if a little pissed off. Nothing that a couple of days in Uggs won’t sort out, right..?  And I must thank you all for your lovely compliments when I shared the pictures on Facebook…you made me feel like a million dollars, and my boy seems to have gained a new fan club too, much to his bemusement.

Between yesterday’s sightseeing and a bit of shopping we’ve walked for miles, as if last night’s shenanigans weren’t enough for these poor old feet. But I’ve kept a watching brief on my diet, and I’ve earned the little treats that might have accidentally found their way through my chops…it’s all about balance, right? Mind you, the cooked breakfast in the hotel this morning was served on a plate the size of a saucer, so the string bean Gods were clearly cheering me on from the sidelines.

Life returns to normal tomorrow…it’s a bright shiny new Weight Watchers week and I can’t wait to get at it. Thanks so much for your immense support over the last couple of weeks, and for getting giddy right alongside me. I got goosebumps last night when I saw our blog in the spotlight, and I’m just immensely proud of what we’ve built.


Oh, and in case you’re wondering…yes the man on stilts was resting his nickie nackie nooos on my shoulder. If you look closely you’ll see a touch of hysteria behind my smile ?

Like it..? Tell your friends!

16 thoughts on “All Toes Present And Correct

  1. Ditto the comments about how lovely you are, etc. I love your blog and look to it for inspiration when I think about binging on cookies and chocolate. But really…. you might warn us before a paragraph such as the last one, right? A girl could choke to death! That is too funny! Now that you mention it, he IS leaning on your shoulder!

    1. Hahaha sorry didn’t mean to catch you unawares! Maybe I should put a chuckle warning on the blog…I had to introduce a Shhh naughty words tag after someone in the posse took exception to my occasional potty mouth!

  2. You’re a goddess.

    (Look at you – putting yourself out there and shining. I sympathise with any Posse members who are indignant you had no shiny trophy. We already know the Powers that be, are sort of myopic: “Well, you need more whistles and bells….”)

    What an experience!

  3. Where is this “fat lass”?! You look AMAZING and the words “big/heavy/large” etc etc would never once enter my head. I just see a lovely, warm, welcoming friendly lady that I would instantly be drawn to. Your diet is clearly paying off because I wouldn’t have said you even need to lose anything, you’re fabulous as you are. Congratulations on everything – words, body and mind x

    1. I’ll take that ? bless you Stacey you’ve made my day! I did tuck quite a lot of the eight stones I still need to lose into my big girl pants…TMI..? Plus I deleted the two hundred and forty three pictures that made me look like a moose!! But seriously, thank you.

  4. You have a great attitude about it all and that is so important. In many ways you have already won what is really important and that doesn’t come in a trophy. I knowyou will keep on putting one foot in front of the other on the journey your on:)

    1. Thanks Susan, I completely agree…don’t get me wrong, a trophy would’ve been the cherry on top but you guys give me validation every single day, and I’m content with that!

  5. You looked a million dollars, lovely. I am truly sorry you didn’t win. I was hoping you would as I really love your content. Thank you for keeping me in the loop last night and taking that picture for me. You’re an absolute gem. I think that the support from followers means more than a trophy, and I wouldn’t trade mine for any shiny object. There’s always next year, and I will be cheering you on again. xo

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