The One In Charge Of Me


My weekly appointment with the Bitch in the bathroom was banjaxed slightly this week given that I wasn’t here. I have to admit, in the past my Asshole voice would have immediately latched onto the fact that there was going to be a longer-than-normal interval between weigh-ins, and positioned it as a reason why I should take my foot off the gas, you know? Cut myself a bit of slack…I’m happy to report that this time I was having none of it.

I weighed myself a day early on Saturday, and I’d lost one pound. This morning I went for the pincer movement and got weighed again and I’m delighted to report that another of the little blighters has melted away at some point over the weekend, so despite the treats I’ve allowed myself, the balanced approach of earning the right to indulge and managing it within my food plan has paid off. I need to be a bit careful, I mean come on, I’m in danger of behaving like I’m actually the one in charge here. Oh…wait a minute…that’s right, I am 🙂

I was thinking you know, that I should probably try and get a couple of gym sessions in this week whilst I’m off work. I’m still a long way from being fit, and my Cuba Trek is now only 5 months away. That’s twenty weeks…sweet Jesus that’s hurtling towards me like a freight train. I know I have the elliptical here at home and I’m walking a fair bit, but I’m starting to realise that it’s not enough. In fact, it’s nowhere near enough.

When I was in the gym at the hotel yesterday, I wouldn’t exactly say I was pacing myself  against the proper people who looked like they belonged there but I couldn’t help comparing their pace to mine, and it dawned on me that in fitness terms I’m still more of a sloth than a cheetah. And whilst I know I don’t necessarily need to be a cheetah to conquer that mountain range, I do need some of the key ingredients that I’m missing, like stamina and strength.

I have neither. Which is kind of a flaw in my plan, right? In comparison to where I was, I’m a rock star. And mentally, I’ve got it all going on, but in terms of being where I need to be physically, I’m barely off the blocks.

I think this has got to be my reality check. The gravitas of what I’ve committed to has finally made it as far as ringing the bell in my head. Over five days I need to trek 90km of rough terrain, in heat and humidity, and as of right now I still weigh 257lbs. What the actual fuck have I done.

I’m going to have to join a gym aren’t I? I’m looking at it every which way up, and without a proper plan – and someone to push me – there’s no way I’m pulling this off. And there’s no way I’m backing out either, so much as I hate the idea and God knows how I’m going to find time, I think I’m going to have to. It’s time to dig in and start really fucking hurting. I need a Jillian or a Bob in my life. Someone who’s going to make me throw up in a bucket without allowing me break my stride on the treadmill.

To be honest, the very thought of it terrifies me, in fact it makes me want to bungee jump into a river of cheese balls and stay there until the world goes dark. My hamstring is still sore from doing the splits five weeks ago, my knee still hurts a bit and whilst I can walk for maybe five miles or so before I need a breather, that’s an awfully long way from match-fit. However. The responsibility of being the one in charge of me means I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do. The longer term benefits outweigh the fact that in the short term I just about want to shit my pants at the thought. I just need to man up and go for it.

Rightio. Best find a gym then.

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8 thoughts on “The One In Charge Of Me

  1. You’ve come to a great conclusion. Make sure you tell the trainer what you need and that s/he is willing to get done what you want, not their own agenda.

  2. i like how you approach this whole thing! congrats on rocking it these past days! 🙂
    i think once you get a coach you will LOVE moving. thing is. you need to find exactly the form of movement you want to do. i found out after years of experimenting that im a crossfit girl. and im still heavy as hell! don’t worry about injuries when you have a coach. if he/she is good, they will make you do the movements exactly right so that your knees get better instead of worse.
    what made me love working out was the boost in my mood. nothing better than an endorphin high! 🙂 i hope you find the sport you love. try out as much as humanly possible ( did you know that boxing is a great form of endurance training??? 😉 )
    i can’t wait to read about your adventures. keep rocking! Puja

    1. Thanks Puja, welcome to the posse and it’s lovely to meet you! One of my friends recommended someone so I’m going to call him tomorrow and see what’s what…I think I’d be dangerous in boxing gloves 🙂

  3. You have already accomplished a lot.Getting a trainer to help you develop your strength and stamina well a few sessions would be a good idea. If it makes you feel any better I remember back to 1997 when I joined a gym for the first time being very over weight and not knowing what to do I hired a trainer. I was able to work out with him for 12 sessions about 6 weeks I think. My trainer got me started on lifting weights and helped me get comfortable being in a gym. My trainer was a guy who knew his stuff and answered my questions but he didn’t yell at me or invoke the puke index. I say interview some trainers and find one whose personality you like and who seems knowledgeable.
    Have faith in yourself you can do this!

    1. God Susan I hope so! I had vastly underestimated how long it was going to take to drag this fat knackered old body into shape!

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