Packing Away The Attitude

Well first of all, let’s have a resounding cheer for those amongst us who hit the new year feeling blissfully happy and proud at how well they coped with all the excesses of the festive season…yeee…what?

Ah. Not just me then.

If you did it, if you pulled it out of the bag then you’re my hero. Personally, I’ve been on the ropes a bit, in fact I’m not going to lie, sometimes I wasn’t even in the fucking ring. I was doing so well too. Even I can see that the timing was shit…after my major-league wobble I managed eleven straight days of clean eating, right up until the day before Christmas  Eve but then the wheels fell off my very fragile food sobriety once again and it’s been open season in the space between then and now.

I can only liken my Christmas to the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan, where some poor bloke is elbow deep in mud with bullets whizzing perilously close to his tin hat as he tried to navigate the battlefield and claw his way to the other side. Except in my case they weren’t bullets, they were chocolates and cookies and salty snacks. No cheese balls, in case you were wondering…I didn’t cross that line. Yey me. However, it was the single piece of restraint I managed to show, and it was more symbolic than waistline-friendly.

Well, I say fuck it…that was last year, right?

I’ve packed away my Christmas decorations this morning, and I’ve stuffed my Christmas Eating Attitude right down to the bottom of the box, next to the really shit baubles, you know the old tatty ones that get strung at the back of the tree where nobody sees? As I taped up the box for another year, it felt a bit like that Biggest Loser episode, you know the one where they climb a big hill wearing backpacks containing the equivalent amount of weight that they’ve lost and then they lob it off the top of the hill? They all cry and congratulate each other and then go home and hit the gym for last chance workout.

I had a false start yesterday. It was the first of January and it was a Sunday, so two new starts for the price of one…a new year and brand new Weight Watchers week. I made it ’till about 4pm and then I blew it. I was feeling really sad after a visit to my Godmother who is terminally ill. When she was first diagnosed the doctors said that they couldn’t cure her, but she’d probably be able to rub along for a good few years yet. Now they’re not telling her that any more. And I know it’s part of the circle of life, but it seemed like a good reason to eat everything that was left in my Christmas cupboard when I got home and then sit and cry about how unfair life is.

So today is my actual day one. I haven’t changed my weigh-day, and I’m not about to take the piss by insisting that I wait until next Sunday because otherwise it’s not a full week…today is it.

I know I have to make some changes. I need to get more accountable, you know? I mean sure, I already share with you my losses and my gains, but the overall pattern gets lost in the mix and I can hide from it too easily by cracking a joke here and there, so here’s the thing…I’ve been tidying the blog up over the last few days, getting ready for the new year and archiving stuff properly and as part of that I’ve made a new page – the Shitbird Scale now has a voice. And there, every Sunday, I will post a picture of our weekly conversation.

Shit the bed, did I actually say that out loud?

Well, it seems I did. And look at what the fucking hokey cokey diet has done to my weight loss…my regain was 15lbs prior to stuffing the Asshole back in his box before Christmas, and now it’s morphed into a 22lbs regain. I’m 22lbs heavier than my pre-Cuba weight. That means I’m 22lbs further away from my goal weight of 147lbs. All because I’m a muppet.

So the box is taped shut, my Christmas Eating Attitude is packed away and today, so far, feels like a new start. One minute at a time. I have 120lbs to lose and I’m going after it.

Who’s with me?

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12 thoughts on “Packing Away The Attitude

  1. Dee! YES you have been missed! So glad to hear from you, Girl.

    The entire Holiday period has been a shooting gallery, for sure. I didn’t get through it unmauled, either.

    Okay, here’s a reminder from last year’s Chatter – I rejoice that I got started when I did. A year of my (half-assed, flaky, hiccupping) weight loss mission is a WIN. The same period passing without this effort, the questioning, oh my god the conversation – is horrible to contemplate.

    1. Aw happy new year lovely lady, I missed you too! It’s a relief isn’t it to be out the other side of foodville…we made it tho! Net output of 2016 was a big loss despite the wobbles so the way from this point is onwards!!

  2. Best new year’s post ever! Just what I needed to hear.

    (Been reading your blog for well over a year, love it, but never plucked it up to comment before now).

    1. Well I’m glad you popped in to say hello, it’s great to meet you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog…come on, we can do this ?

  3. Aren’t you SO glad this blasted holiday season is OVER? Seriously!! I gained 8 lbs. since Thanksgiving. That’s horrible. But it is what it is.
    Today is a holiday because New Year’s fell on a Sunday, so I did all kinds of crazy meal prep this morning. LOTS of veggies, chicken and eggs for the entire week. Keep it coming!!!
    I have all kinds of crazy fitness goals this year, so it’s all about training for them for me. This means my nutrition and exercise must be ON POINT. I am not focusing on the scale and I suggest you do the same. Yes, weigh in. Yes, it matters. But your focus for 2016 was the trek through Cuba. You did that phenomenally well and then it all went to shit for you. So pick a new goal. Pick a bunch of them for this year that may not necessarily mean another trip to Cuba. Try a 5K run or two. Come on, Dee. Get your game face on and DON’T give in. Today is a new day. It’s a gift to embrace.

  4. Happy New Year 🙂 You do always make me laugh with your descriptions! We all probably had more treats during this holiday season than we should have. I was doing so well with my weight goals, and then I got home from vacation and BAM! no more weight gone for 1.5 weeks. I’m pretty sure that’s because, although I’m staying in my calorie guidelines, I haven’t been exercising as much, and some of my food choices have been (ahem!) less than clean.

    You are doing great–I love your strength and fortitude. And before you even THINK you’re not strong–it takes a lot of strength to admit faults and weaknesses and secret shames to the world.

    Lift up your head–it’s a new day!

    1. Ah thanks Jamie – we’re all in the same boat, and the feeling of not being alone makes a difference for sure. I just ready your latest blog post, thanks for the signpost and I enjoyed it…yes I agree it’s all about getting up again when life knocks you down. Here’s to a wobble-free start to the new year, right? Come on, we’ve got this 🙂

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