Jury’s Out…

So I think I mentioned didn’t I, that my friend and I are heading out on holiday in a couple of weeks – I’m on countdown, with just eighteen sleeps to go. My friend is the world’s best travelling companion…she is uber organised. My modus operandi is to skid into my holidays having worked up to the very last minute with no preparation whatsoever but you know what, I totally get away with it because my friend does enough organising for the both of us. It’s the only bit of my life where I happily sit back and trust someone else to crack on and just tell me what we’re doing.

We’re cruising again – you know how I love life on the ocean – and this time we’re picking up our ship in Abu Dhabi and sailing into Oman, Fujairah, Sir Bani Yas Island and Dubai. I’ve never been to that part of the world and I’m curious to see what it’s like. It’s also my first hot holiday in a while, so I’m looking forward to finding a shady spot and devouring three or four good books as we sail through the week.

Things are going so well with my food plan at the moment that I’m in an agony of indecision trying to decide what food strategy I’m going to adopt whilst I’m on holiday, you know? Even though I stayed active on our last holiday by scaling waterfalls and climbing the odd mountain, and didn’t feel like I went overboard on the eating, I put on a ton of weight over the course of our week in Norway. I know I lost it again within a couple of weeks of coming home – once my plumbing recovered from the trip – but even so, watching the needle go up by eight pounds or so when I got home didn’t exactly fill me with joy and loveliness.

I’m not sure I ever really got back to the real focus I’d had on losing weight before the trip. I mean I limped along between getting home from that holiday and setting off for Cuba, but the impetus definitely fell off a cliff somewhere towards the end of summer.

My dilemma now, is that it feels a bit too soon to step away from this much more disciplined New Year mindset that I’ve manage to kick-start. By the same token I want to be able to enjoy the kind of carefree holiday moments where my friend and I throw caution to the wind and work our way through the cocktail menu for example, which always seems like a great idea at the time. The trouble is, my inhibitions diminish with each sip of whatever I’m drinking.

It’s not as if I’m a big drinker…actually I’m a bit of a fanny but it’s different on holiday somehow. And let’s be honest, you only get a thimble-full of french martini in your glass so it’s too easy to order another, and another…I seem to remember doing exactly that last time, and waking up the next morning with the remains of a cheesecake in my bed and a spoon stuck to my cheek. Not my finest hour, right?

Today marks my 31st day of eating properly, in terms of no processed food, and barely any refined sugar. I’m feeling awesome to be honest, and I know I can definitely keep the momentum going for the next two and a half weeks. The question is can I keep it going whilst I’m on holiday. Should I..?

I’m trying to steer clear of the kind of fat-girl thinking which equates having a good time with how much I can fit in my mouth, but I can already feel the asshole voice gearing up to flood my head with suggestions like it’s okay to relax a bit, you’re on holiday, and come on, you’ve been so good you deserve a treat…life’s too short, live a little and eat the fucking cake!!

I know those kind of sentiments are built on a crooked belief that denying myself the indulgences I want in the moment is some kind of punishment which will spoil the holiday I’ve worked so hard for. Which is bollocks, and I know it.



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20 thoughts on “Jury’s Out…

  1. My most successful strategy for vacation eating was a couple of years ago in Florida. We were doing all the Disney stuff with the children and eating options weren’t always great. I decide I wasn’t going to try and track points as it is impossible to work out exactly what the point value is so I just wrote everything down as I ate it (on the notes page of my phone). I tried to make sensible choices but good or bad I listed it. Each morning I would look back at the day before and if I had had a good day I would allow myself one small treat the next or if I had over indulged, I just pulled back the next day. In two weeks I lost 4lbs!

    1. That’s awesome Claire! Talking it through with you lot has helped and all your tips are so helpful! Four pounds off on holiday makes you my hero!!

  2. I know a vacation seems like the perfect time to “live it up” and eat and drink everything in sight, but you know from past experience, the extra food sticks around too long when we get home. I used to go on vacation every year and just throw caution to the wind with eating and I always came home with a huge gain. And you know it takes so much longer to take off than to put on. My current strategy is one mentioned above. I eat a very reasonable (low point) breakfast and then either lunch or dinner is veggie based. The third meal can be whatever I want. I don’t drink too much, so on vacation, I probably have one or two drinks the whole time. And then I’m very active, which you’ve already got down. Using this strategy, I’ve come home from the last two vacations with no gain and even a loss one time. I still get in some fun vacation foods, but I don’t have to re lose when I get home. Make the best choice that you can live with. There’s always going to be vacations and holidays…they don’t all have to be food disasters.

    1. You’re so right Carol…I went to Las Vegas for five days to celebrate my big birthday and lost a pound whilst I was there, and thinking about that makes me believe I can really do this!

  3. I guess you are not morphing into someone else when you board your cruise ship. It’s you Dee, the same Dee who decided she would attain skinny town for good this time. The same Dee who works hard everyday to reach that goal. On vacation, working, visiting with friends, celebrating Christmas or New Year. The same Dee. And we all know what Dee achieved this year…maybe not in pounds, but in strength and fitness and better fitting clothes. And Dee crossing that last bridge in Cuba. The same Dee. Be proud Dee.

  4. Pick one splurge a day before you leave. Decide which days it will be one dessert after dinner, which days it will be one drink, or whatever you decide is for you, and write it down. Keep it with you and look at it often and enjoy each splurge in its time.

    If you tell your travel buddy, maybe she will help you stick to it, also.

  5. Well, hell. Your trip is fast approaching, it’s all good! A few months ago I read with a sense of awe, when you went on the sea cruise and got to do so much fun stuff… You walked with your travel buddy, instead of being involuntarily ‘quarantined’ to a chair. You gleefully played with more of the toys on board; you recalled with a shock how it felt to be wonderfully, incredibly INCONSPICUOUS doing stuff, taking a chair in the dining room, climbing aboard a tram or strolling around playing tourist.

    1. Ah I did all of those things Fleury and I’ll do them again this time. Remembering why losing the weight in the first place is a brilliant starting point to provide a bit of glue to my feet on this here sweet spot, so thank you that helped! 🙂

  6. Morning! Reader from Canada here:) Don’t worry just yet….after you have 18 more good days behind you may feel very different and confident about your holiday strategy. I try to tow the line for two meals each day and relax (a bit:)) on the 3rd, but always moderate with the booze….you do wake up quite happy this way:) And if I want dessert….I have 3 bites:) You got this!

    1. Hey Michelle, it’s lovely to meet you! It’s a good strategy for sure, but what was it Dr Phil used to say…the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour, right? Knowing myself as I do there’s a danger I’d start off that way followed very quickly by two out of three being the relaxed options followed even more quickly with me making a deal with the devil that starting next week I’ll live on dust for a month until I’ve made up for all my food-related indiscretions and start eating anything that’s on offer. I’m missing the discipline gene I think!

  7. I think you should allow yourself a splurge a day. I always find it easier to be on track during the day with breakfast and lunch – and let loose a little in the evening. For me – I can’t drink during the day and drink at night too. On our last trip to Mexico I had a drink or two in the afternoon and I was spent by the time we went to dinner – so I nipped that in the bud after Day One – I was not going to spend my vacation feeling like that!

    Anyway – you’ll be walking a lot seeing the sights. Look ahead and see if there’s a fitness room or classes on the ship – I’m sure there are – and this way your evening dessert is even that much more sweet!

    1. My friend raised a very interesting point, in that on most ships there’s always at least one sugar-free dessert…that could definitely be the way forward 🙂

  8. If you figure it out let me know. I’m going to be in England next month visiting my parents, Mum is turning 90. I’m already dreaming about sticky toffee pudding and everything Cadbury’s! I’m also dying to try Daim. I’ve seen it every time I’ve been in Manchester airport and I’ve seen it in the stores there but never tried it. It seems to be one of your favourites so I’m going to give it a try.

    I will justify it by walking everywhere ’cause I don’t drive there 🙂

    I’ve managed to lose the holiday gain and I’m trying to lose another couple of pounds before I go. I think you have done great getting back on track too.

    1. Oh my goodness now I feel guilty for leading you astray!! It is truly food of the Gods however, and since it’s not available in the States I guess it’s allowed!

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