A Perfect St Valentine

So the nearer I get to my holiday, the more I keep expecting the wheels to come off my food plan. There are only four more sleeps to go, and generally by this point – usually way before this point if we’re splitting hairs – the Asshole voice would have kicked the pre-holiday campaign into full swing…you may as well stop now, you’re practically on holiday and you won’t lose any more weight between now and then. You’re going to blow it next week anyway so why don’t you just have a few days without having to worry about dieting and start your blow-out early…you’ve earned it.

This time..? Nothing. The food plan continues in textbook fashion, and not a murmur from the asshole between my ears.

I’m a bit baffled to be honest. Last night would have been a perfect opportunity for him to rattle his chains. I was in a proper strop when I finally got in from work, having left an hour early so I could make a 6pm class at the Kingdom of Pain only to get stuck in shitty traffic. My one hour commute turned into three hours so I missed class altogether…I wasn’t even close.

Then when I finally got home there was nothing in for supper. Well, there was, but it was all food I’m not supposed to be eating, because I rushed out yesterday morning without proper planning. So I cobbled together a fairly random and crappy supper consisting of a couple of crumpets which were past their ‘best before’ date, and a protein shake. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t get an A for effort. I couldn’t help feeling a bit envious at the thought of all those folk enjoying romantic and tasty valentine dinners,  as I sat there with my two stale crumpets and a crappy milkshake.

So the evening’s not going well, right? It was a stinker. Except in so many ways it was perfect. There was food in the fridge that my head just accepted was off-limits, so there was no debate to be had. No standing in front of the fridge whilst I tried to talk myself into it and then out of it again. No fight. Hello? That’s a first.

Then my boy came home later on with a box of seriously good chocolates that he’d been given, and normally I’d be all over those bad boys in a flash…last night, nothing. I wasn’t interested. I didn’t even smell them, that’s how immune I was. It’s not like I was grandstanding, or making a show of being good…I just didn’t want one. And let me be clear, not wanting one has never actually stopped me from having one in the past. If they were there, I could and if I could, I did. Always. But not last night.

Do you think I’m sickening for something?

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10 thoughts on “A Perfect St Valentine

  1. I can be good on certain occasions, like Valentine’s Day. But then come home on any random day and see raisins in the cupboard and eat the entire box. I mean, go figure. There are peanut m&m’s in my cupboard and I would normally eat them all. But I haven’t even had the remotest desire for them. But I see raisins and decide that a handful isn’t enough – I need the whole box. Go figure!

    Tonight, though…zucchini and sauce with turkey meatballs. Yummy!

    Enjoy your trip. I’m sure you will have a fabulous time!

  2. If it’s an illness, we should all catch it! Seriously, though, i don’t think you are sickening for something, i think there’s been an internal shift deeper than when you first started this journey.

  3. Why question why you don’t want/didn’t eat the “tasty” junk? Just be happy with the win and keep on going!
    I thought you were already on vacation since you have been so quiet this week. Glad to know all is well.

  4. Oh, wow. This is SUCH great news, you have made my blinkin’ day. I’m right there with you, Dolling, & sending you warmest aloha on this Valentine’s Day!

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