Stepping Off, Chilling Ma Boots

I didn’t mean to worry y’all by going AWOL on Friday. I’m touched by the number of emails I had over the weekend asking if I was okay…I’m fine thanks, I promise. I spent the whole of last week feeling knackered and slightly disorientated after immersing myself in the writer’s workshop over a long weekend, before going right back to work on Monday, and then having to co-facilitate a two-day workshop which required me to stay away from home mid-week.

I staggered home on Thursday and cobbled together a post for Friday which didn’t pass muster at all when I read it back the next morning, so I had a mini-meltdown and binned it. I can give you a brief summary if you like…I was mainly trying to justify an unfortunate incident with a plate of garlic bread which one of my colleagues had ordered ‘for the table’ during a working dinner last Wednesday evening, and most of it ended up being eaten by yours truly…yeah I know. Don’t say a word. 

I was trying to justify it to all of you and myself on the basis that I’d been away last weekend and therefore hadn’t had time to go do a food shop, so I’d already ruined my dieting day by eating the stodgy catered lunch instead of taking stuff with me.

Then at dinner, the garlic bread got plonked in front of me without a rightful owner, and it smelled all kinds of awesome. And because I’d had a dodgy lunch – not to mention the three glasses of Rioja I’d drunk before dinner which were undoubtedly influencing my decision-making – I decided I may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. So I ate the garlic bread followed by a juicy rib-eye steak..uhuh.

Now, I was pushed for time last week, my schedule was crazy. However, we all know that the whole fucking supermarket is just a click away these days, and judging by the number of parcels Amazon deliver to my door  I clearly know my way around an on-line shopping cart, so not having the time to do a food shop and using that as the reason for my wobble was a totally made up bollocksy excuse.

On reflection, I think I was just tired. And I know my thought process can turn to shit and my willpower can take a direct hit when I’m tired. I looked around the table and saw everyone tucking into garlic bread and I got an earful of the Asshole voice with his puffed-up outraged sense of entitlement that every fucker else was having it so why couldn’t I, you know?

Apart from that one incident last week I put in a textbook performance, but the garlic bread cost me dear when I crossed paths with the Shitbird Scale yesterday…just one pound off. I deserved it, and there is no excuse. It might’ve been a two pound plus week if I’d not eaten my own bodyweight in something I shouldn’t have gone anywhere near.

Still, I parked it the very next day and I’ve been on it like a car bonnet again ever since. Thankfully, garlic bread isn’t a trigger food for me, it just happened to be delicious and there. Sometimes it feels a lot like I’m taking two steps forward and one step backwards, but I guess that’s just life, right?

I didn’t have the energy – or the time – to start from scratch on Friday, so I had to step off. This weekend has mainly been spent chilling ma boots and recharging my batteries, in between walking a bit and swimming. I even hit the gym – not the Kingdom of Pain, I’m not signed back there yet by the physio – to do some hardcore physio on my knee, which is getting stronger all the time.

This week, I shall mainly be staying away from garlic bread 🙂


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10 thoughts on “Stepping Off, Chilling Ma Boots

  1. Not sayin nothin. –> well, this: Even a random non-trigger food will ambush me! WTF!

    and this: the Food Plan is going strong, the exer – I mean activity – is becoming normal. Go Girl.

  2. It is such a stinkin’ mind game. I am making myself walk every morning because one of my daughters and I are taking a trip next month to Ireland, and I don’t want to huff and puff through Dublin. Ha, we’re leaving in 19 days and I am hoping to lose at least ten pounds first. 🙂 Anyway, you know what the worst part about the garlic bread is? The unfair part? How come just a few of us seem to be afflicted by the extreme affinity to the yummy things in life? Some people can just sit there at the table and say so non-chalantly, “No thanks”, as if it isn’t killing them to say it. It’s all a learning experience, and I am learning that I am never ever immune to temptation…:) Thank you for sharing and for your honesty!!!!!

    1. Ha, I know exactly what you mean! Actually i’m in the zone I’m immune but otherwise it’s an utter car crash! Have an awesome time in Dublin, it’s an amazing city!

  3. I went out for a work dinner with my husband last week and chips with two dipping sauces were ordered for the table and later one of the guys forfeited his french fries to the group because he didn’t want them. And I totally got into both potato products. I felt so bad, guilty, negative – it played with my whole week even though I tracked them. I was sure I’d gained 3 lbs come Thursday weigh in, but to my shock I was -.8. Which is great – don’t get me wrong – but doesn’t change me beating myself up for 3 days about the slip up. This really is a mind game, isn’t it?

    Congrats on your Loss!

    1. Definitely a mind game Beth, I couldn’t agree more! I don’t know about you, but my Asshole voice stalks me like the villain in a psychological thriller!

  4. The good news is you lost a pound, and didn’t gain with the slip up. Take that as a win and onward you go! You got lucky that time though bear it in mind when tempted.

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