Fat, But Optimistic

So, Wednesday was it, right? I’d planned to take Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off the diet but I’d made a firm commitment to myself that Wednesday 27th was the cut-off point after which normal sensible non-Christmas eating would resume. Quid pro quo, if you like. Dear Gods of Skinny, you give me three days off and I’ll give you four days on, and I mean on it like a car bonnet. I’ll be all over it. I’ll net out even-stevens next weigh-day and it’ll be like Christmas never happened.

It was a good plan, as plans go. The only problem was, my head didn’t want to get on board with it. At all. I went to bed on Tuesday night feeling as determined as it’s possible to be the night before you start a diet, when your belly’s still full and fat. Trouble is, I woke up on Wednesday panicking about all the nice things that I hadn’t eaten yet and I was sunk before I even got out of bed.

And I found myself pulling that all or nothing shit too. I’m not going swimming today because really, what’s the point? I’ll go tomorrow when I’m back on my food plan, today’s a write-off…

I settled down to write a blog post, and no words came. I’d kind of thought I might ‘fess up about my indiscretions, and talk about moving past them so we could all look forward to the New Year and how we were going to get this skinny shit down once and for all. Except I was still chewing and it felt all wrong, and in the end no words came anyway so I put my laptop away and carried on eating Christmas, plus a bit more for good measure.

Then I cleaned out the fridge, took some chicken out of the freezer to defrost overnight and went to bed hoping for an overnight miracle. In my heart of hearts I was expecting yet another epic battle when I opened my eyes yesterday, you know? Getting day one under my belt is a psychological minefield and it never comes without a fight.

However. Do you know what I got? Nothing. I got nothing. No rebellion, no tantrums and no demands to start my day with a bacon sandwich. Just a quiet acceptance that the diet riot was over, and it was time to behave. And yesterday was flawless. Granted, a day later than planned but the point is, it happened.

I hadn’t been logging food on my off-piste days, so there was a half-hearted whoop whoop from the Asshole voice when I logged in mid way through the week and my app told me I had all my weekly points left plus some rollovers…the actual fuck I do, I’ve probably used up all the weeklies due to me as far as halfway through next year. So I wiped them off and closed down that avenue of food fuckery and he didn’t even put up a fight.

It seems I weathered the storm…I feel good. Fat, but optimistic. I’m ready for the New Year, and the new start, hell I’ve even kick-started things early in the spirit of damage limitation. Read my lips, this is OUR year…we’re heading to Skinny Town, people! 🙂

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8 thoughts on “Fat, But Optimistic

  1. I finally had a good on plan day on Wednesday. I decided to skip my regular Thursday weigh in – I knew I’d be up I didn’t need/want to see the number. I was so happy to have my points reset and not see a negative number. The good news is – I kept tracking. So this week – two Zumba classes and an elliptical workout in and Day 3 of being back in the saddle. New Year’s Eve we are going out – which to me is much more manageable than a house party with appetizers as far as the eye can see. I’ve got a new planner for 2018 and I’m feeling pretty good. My short term goal – lose at least something every week in January even if it’s .2. I’m hoping whatever damage I did over Christmas will be diffused over this week.

    Good luck staying on course Dee!

  2. Girl I’m right there with you- I made a chocolate cake for Christmas. And then it would have been a shame to not eat it or let any go to waste- and down the rabbit hole I went!

  3. I admire your resolve. I still have a tin of mince pies, three quarters of a Christmas cake and three tubs of brandy butter. I can’t see my way clear to getting going again till after the New Year, by which time I’ll be almost back to where I was on 1.1.17.

    1. Aw thanks Rosemary but if my resolve had been all that I’d be wearing skinny jeans and a six pack at this point. And I’m pound for pound pretty much exactly where I started 2017 so go figure!! I seem to be able to pull it out of the bag from time to time but consistency is not my friend! 🙄

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