Putting Two And Two Together


Well it’s official. I am a muppet. If there was a black belt in muppetry I would have been presented with it this week for sure, although I’m guessing that a fair few folk may raise an eyebrow and opine that it’s well overdue.

I woke up this morning feeling full of energy, which makes a nice change because over the last month or so I’ve been feeling really tired, even first thing in the morning. I’ve been blaming all manner of things.

My Asshole voice has been pointing the finger in all directions, especially towards the hurt machine, (it’s clearly too much too soon, you’re not doing the trek until October so you could probably start your training towards the back end of September…why don’t you use it to hang your clothes on for now and start again after the summer…) walking with Charlie dog (that’s what you pay your dog-walker for, I’m sure she’d walk him on the weekends too if you asked her, instead of just whilst you’re at work…) and most of all my diet (it’s not natural for a woman to avoid chocolate, your body obviously needs it, stop being ridiculous and go to the shop immediately…).

Have I ever mentioned that I have thyroid issues..? Mine is under active, which means my metabolism runs slow. But it’s okay, because I take medication to regulate it on a daily basis, which I’ll more than likely need to do for the rest of my life. Except I ran out about a month ago, and forgot about reordering it from the pharmacy…duh. I mean, it happened once before for a couple of days and nobody died, so it didn’t seem that important.

My boy needed a repeat prescription earlier on the week, which I’d promised to order for him, and I suddenly remembered whilst I was on the phone that I’d run out of mine, so I ordered mine too. Now, all of a sudden, two days into taking my medication I’m starting to feel like I have some energy again.

bulb  Ya THINK??

Remember that additional pound that took up residence two weeks ago which was still welded to my arse last Sunday..? *Nods head* – yep. Well it’s got sweet bugger all to do with my diet or getting complacent – although lesson still learned – and everything to do with the fact that I’d carelessly cut my body off from the thing it needs the most to make everything work. No wonder I’ve been feeling sluggish.

There’s no accounting for stupid is there..? Whilst the Asshole voice was busy hurling accusations left and right, and blaming everything I’ve done in the last 6 months for wearing me out, all the time it was my own stupid fault. The universe let me loose without a responsible adult, and look what went and happened.

So. As I walked the green mile towards my dalliance with the bitch in the bathroom this morning I wasn’t holding out much hope that the extra pound would have melted away this week since I only started taking my magic beans again a couple of days ago. And sure enough the stubborn little blighter is still clinging on. It might take my metabolism a few days to catch up, you know?

I’m so cross with myself. All the effort in the world counts for bubbles if my body’s not able to pull it out of the bag for me without me feeding it a little artificial oomph. Thing is, I’ve never been really in tune with my body and what it’s doing for me since I got diagnosed with the auto-immune disorder so I didn’t make the connection. I’m already feeling the benefit of my medication, and I’ll pay more attention in the future but it’s just frustrating to think I’ve been treading water for the last month instead of moving forward. Dammit.

Still, I guess at least I know that the pills actually do something, right?


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10 thoughts on “Putting Two And Two Together

  1. Oh how I’ve missed everyone! It’s been a month of stress and sturm und drang and it’s finally over and the sun is shining again [well figuratively, it’s actually raining darn it all!] and I was so excited to have a moment to stop in today!

    I am glad you have learned your lesson about those little pills. If you need it then you need to not forget – do you have automatic refills there? The pharmacy here just sends me a robocall when my new rx is ready, and if it’s run out the machine man calls to ask if I want them to get it refilled, why yes thank you, I’ll be the laziest woman alive!

    And gladder that you’re feeling better now you’ve got them back – I guess it does really make a big difference!

    Heading back to the gym today too – will think of you on the hurt machine LOL

  2. I just spent the last two days reading your blog from the start (thanks to Holly of 300 pounds down) and I love your style! I too am “a lady of size” i.e. fat and “of a certain age” – in other words, approaching another birthday (56) that sees me bigger than ever, not down the 40 pounds I wanted to be down by now. My new goal is now 50 poundsm then I’ll re-evaluate. You would possibly be pleased (or chuffed – I think I’m getting the lingo) to know that tonight is the first night I have not raided the cupboards after supper, and have only had canned pears (in water no less) as a “treat”. Like you, I was a single mom from the time my daughters were 3 and 1, now grown and have blessed me with 3 grandbabies. Unlike you, I never remarried, although I did have a few close calls (whew). I unhappily fat in BC, Canada, nestled in the Fraser Valley where I have access to all sorts of outdoor activity that I don’t take advantage of. Since that voice in my head is the brother of yours, I’m giving him a name, but I’ll clean it up a wee bit – he shall forever be known as the A-hole when I start blogging this journey. (Just because I have a tendency to slip, and need to keep it clean around the kidlets). Oh, yeah – I rejoined Weight Watchers tonight – no thanks to you. You might have to get a name as well…

    1. Hello Terri, how lovely to meet you! I’m glad you found us, and you’re very welcome…I’m extremely chuffed that you’re both picking up the lingo and digging in for the journey, we’re all rooting for you and we’ll look forward to sharing your journey. Me get a name..? It wouldn’t be the first time haha! 🙂

  3. My sympathy on the thyroid issue, mine is underactive, too. My biggest problem is the doctor who doesn’t want to treat it properly. After all, if he gave me a dose that actually kept me from feeling tired all of the time, well, who knows what other ridiculous demands i would make. Better to keep me slightly under treated, in his opinion.

    1. Yeh, I think they have to be a bit careful Mimi…my thyroid occasionally has a burst of efficiency and if I have that and the synthetic thyroxine too I turn into a basket case who exists on two hours’ sleep per night, has palpitations and sweats constantly. It’s not pleasant!

  4. Hi, Sweetie! Gotcha, your notification worked of course…. got my giggle, & DO NOT let B**’s & A**’s whisper that nothing is continuing to happen!! The journey is moving fwd. Vile discouraging insinuations cannot negate this. Keep “pointing,” keep planning, keep engaged, keep willing yourself over to the elliptical.

    The only thing I really sweat out is my state of mind. I need to keep paying attention & taking an interest in my well being. That’s my actual job. Any pound fractions go off in little hiccups.

  5. Dee,
    Awwwww! 🙁 Bummer, super bummer!! I thought for sure today’s visit with her would be THE one where you were victorious. Well, I AM glad you figured it out and I’m even happier that you haven’t given up at this point. Plateaus can be discouraging, damaging and enough to just say, “Why bother?” But not you. This is super awesome! Keep up the good work and keep on keeping on.

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