Stone Cold Easter Egg Sober


Happy Easter one and all…I hope you have a wonderful day whatever you’re up to. Me, I have nothing special planned, other than today being the day that I’ll get my fat wardrobe loaded on eBay, as well as walking with Charlie dog and playing host to my mum who will be with us later.

I think it’s only the second time in my life where I haven’t eaten chocolate for breakfast on Easter Sunday. I almost feel like I’m breaking the law. I must admit I had a quick two minute sulk before I emerged from under the duvet this morning at how unfair it all was that more than likely everyone in my neighbourhood except me would be in a sugar-induced coma at that very moment, but then I looked across my bedroom at the mountain of fat clothes which are too big for me to wear now, and I got over myself pretty quickly. See? If I’d moved that pile of stuff when I should have, it wouldn’t have been there to sweeten my mood today.

On our walk yesterday, my thoughts turned to the shopping I needed to do afterwards, and I couldn’t help wondering exactly how many Easter eggs I was going to get mugged by as I walked around the supermarket. Not to mention the fact that currently cheese balls are on offer two for one. It all made me feel a bit under attack, you know like a double-whammy of temptation.

I kicked that one around for ages, before deciding to simply go to a different shop. I’ve already ‘fessed up about my momentary weakness this week with the cheese and pickle sandwich, and fries so I’m not in the mood for flirting with the danger zone. Bargain and cheese balls have proven to be a killer combo in the past and I wasn’t going anywhere near it.

Seriously, earlier this week when I was in there I must have walked past and eyed them up at least half a dozen times, arguing with the Asshole voice the whole time. Thankfully yesterday’s diversionary tactics paid dividends and I came home without either, having treated myself to a pack of the biggest fattest cherries you’ve ever seen.

I did make myself a sweet treat for breakfast this morning though, have any of you tried the skinny banana muffins from the video on my foodie stuff page? I’m not gonna lie, you will have tasted better muffins. But if you steer clear of the butter and icing sugar – neither are needed -they hardly cost any smart points, and they are sweet. To be fair, once you’ve sampled a few batches and gotten over the texture (which is distinctly un-muffinlike) they’re not half bad.

Anyway…for those of you who accepted the three-pound-challenge challenge last Sunday, I hope you did better than me 🙁 Half a poxy pound gone this week…I’m slightly underwhelmed. Still, I started off the week with a bigger promise than I managed to deliver in the end, so I’ve written this week down to experience, and I am about to unfold a beautiful shiny new Weight Watchers week. How did y’all do?

Sod it, I’m having another crack at this. These are the reasons why this week I can do it. The clocks have gone forward overnight therefore I have an extra hour of daylight. That means when I get in from work, it’s not going to be dark and I can do my three mile walk with the dog. No excuses. I have no functions, catered days or days where my schedule is going to be anything other than in my complete control…it’s a golden week and I’m totally up for it.

Knowing you lot are cheerleading on the sidelines will spur me on…no cheese and pickle whoopsies this week m’lud, that’s a promise 🙂

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10 thoughts on “Stone Cold Easter Egg Sober

  1. I walked past the cheetoh puffs (my version of cheese balls) 3 times, picking them up twice and then putting them back down. I’m sure if someone was watching me they would think I was stark raving mad… but I left the store without them. Small victories. When I stepped on the scale this morning I was amazed to see 4 pounds down… I have a long way to go, but it helps to finally see the scale moving. Maybe just maybe I can do this.

    1. You CAN do this! 4lbs off is brilliant, I’m so happy for you especially facing down those cheetah puffs…you go girl!

  2. Easter Egg Sober here! Have to admit to eating over my budget, but no mainlining seasonal sugar. The BITB already gleefully smacked me down last Thurs. with 3#!! I almost took it to heart, but I refused to give her the satisfaction. Anyway, by my weigh day Thursday I can get back to a routine that will produce better numbers.

    Love, Fleury

    1. Fleury how very dare she! I’m outraged on your behalf and looking forward to hearing about how you put her firmly back in her place 🙂

  3. A blessed and beautiful Easter to you and your family! Going to a different store to avoid the temptation of the sale is a great move.

    Even though i try to avoid processed sugar, this time of year i’m always tempted by the Elmer’s Gold Brick Eggs, my childhood favorites and made right in my old home town of NOLA. They are not the world’s finest chocolate by any means, but they taste like comfort to me. No, i won’t give in, even if they will be half off tomorrow.

  4. Good job on getting the half pound down much better
    than being up a half pound. I hope your having a lovely
    day with your mom and maybe you were able to get
    another walk in. Take care.

  5. Happy Easter!
    I am proud of you ! Half pound down is better than 1/2 up! 3 in a week is a lot, I know. I mean, If you merely looked at a head of lettuce for 7 days, maybe :). No candy for me either. I did want sweets and had a banana, a clementine and an apple so far….barely noon here…

    1. Happy Easter Autumn…I can only look at a head of lettuce for 5 minutes before I start to want to take a baseball bat to it!!

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