Two Things Have Happened…

There’s something distinctly weird happening in my head at the moment. This probably won’t come as a big surprise to those of you who’ve raised an eyebrow here and there over the last 18 months at some of the titter and shit that has tumbled onto this very page…lets be honest, weird stuff happening in my head is not unusual in itself. But when I say weird, I mean different.

I’m used to feeling like I have to dodge bullets on a regular basis. You all know that I regard myself as a food addict, right? Dieting is a challenge for anyone, but if you have a food addiction and you’re trying to lose weight, you are locked into a constant battle. It’s a never-ending negotiation with your own head over what you’re allowed to have, when you’re allowed to have it, and most importantly how much of it is the right amount to have.

And it’s relentless because even after the decision is made I find my asshole voice coming in hard with a rear-guard action trying to re-negotiate. Let’s be honest, what is generally considered amongst normal folk to be the right amount looks to me like it wouldn’t feed a sparrow and the injustice of not having a plate that would feed a small army leaves me seething with resentment. It’s exhausting.

Of late however, it’s felt different. Calmer somehow. And I don’t know that it’s got anything to do with being in the sweet spot, I mean I was fully locked and loaded into the sweet spot when I started this diet eighteen months ago,  for the first few months I didn’t put a foot wrong in terms of eating more than my allocated food budget but the Asshole voice was in constant communication with my willpower and it was tested on an hourly basis. Now, not so much so.

The difference? I’ve more or less excluded sugar from my diet. It’s the only thing I can put my finger on, you know? And before you worry that I’m going to turn into one of these evangelistic preachy teachy kind of bloggers who tells you what to do and how to do it, I’m not, I swear. This blog hasn’t ever been about that, it’s always been more about sharing what’s going on in my head as I try and navigate the path to Skinny Town. But it makes you think, doesn’t it?

I’ve always said that for me, I can stick to my food plan providing I can have the odd treat so I don’t feel deprived. Except my odd treat was way way out of balance with the rest of my diet. I could stick to a daily points allowance, but let’s say I had 35 points to go at, I’d start with the crap and work my way back, you know?

If I count two Mars Bars at 24 points, that means I have 11 points to spend on proper food…fruit for breakfast which is free, salad for lunch which is free and then maybe chicken for supper with a mountain of vegetables which are also free, so I get that stuffed fit to bust feeling but I can still ‘relax’ and eat two Mars Bars because technically I’m not doing anything wrong, right? I stayed within points and look at this innocent face…

Except, having eaten two Mars Bars – or hob-nobs or Daim cake or whatever, it could have been anything – I’d still feel deprived, because two wasn’t three and there were more in the fridge which I wasn’t allowed to have. And having got the taste for them, often the ones in the fridge for another day wouldn’t survive the night because I’d pay forward my food budget then wake up the next day and sulk because I was going to have to live on dust for the rest of the week.

That’s all gone. I’m 61 days food sober, and I haven’t eaten chocolate, or cookies, or crisps, or anything with refined sugar in it except things like maybe low-fat salad cream which has a trace element. Nothing processed that has added sugar, just lots of fresh food. And two things have happened.

The cravings have stopped dead. I’m no longer tortured by the relentless need to eat something sweet. If I haven’t eaten one of something, I don’t crave a second or a third, and I’m no longer even bothered by the thought of it. I mean…this is me we’re talking about. The other thing is I’ve stopped seething with resentment at the fact that I’m on on this journey to begin with.

You can’t help wondering, can you? I started this whole clean eating thing as a bit of an experiment, but actually I have a feeling it’s morphed into a bit of a game changer for me…I’m just going with it, I mean why wouldn’t I? The prospect of not living the rest of my life as a slave to my drug of choice is blowing my mind 🙂


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14 thoughts on “Two Things Have Happened…

  1. I’ve heard it called Slaying the Sugar Dragon, so it’s definitely a thing. So now you just need to focus on not awakening the dragon again, and you should be sweet. Wait, bad choice of word there!

  2. Dee, look at you! It is making a huge difference here, well, if only the scale starts cooperating again…. At least I don’t feel carbs driving me over a buffalo drop.

    1. Awesome Fleury, we’re doing this and picking up speed…the scale will catch up remember input, not output! This is going to be our year, whaddya reckon?! 🙂

  3. As one sugar addict to another, i agree it can’t be preached to anyone, they have to discover it for themselves. This is why i tell people that sugar is a white powder, like some of those street drugs, for a reason!

  4. this sums up brilliantly how my journey is progressing and the pitfalls along the way. I am now day 42 into the clean eating challenge and the cravings have greatly reduced even when stressed. I took a nice box of biscuits into meetings in the week just to get them out of the house (xmas pressies) and didn’t even want or reach for one throughout the meetings
    Well done xx

  5. You have discovered that you aren’t a “food addict” but you are a “sugar addict”. Sugar does the same thing to me. A little is never enough… my body wants more more more. Trying to white knuckle it through those sugar episodes is so exhausting. If I keep my food as clean as possible and added sugar at less than 4 gr. per serving I seem to do okay. Congrats to you on the break-through!

    1. Thank you! I mean don’t get me wrong, I could have easily vaporised that plate of Tapas last week so for me I don’t think it’s only sugar but Rhonda, honestly this inner-calm is awesome and that is a hundred percent down to the absence of sugar, I’m convinced of it!!

  6. I’m so happy for you that you are at peace with food. If staying away from “sugary” treats is what it takes then so be it.

    Have a great weekend! This was awesome to read Dee so happy for you.

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